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Did you ever feel like no one understood your feelings and experiences from living with a chronic or autoimmune disease? That is precisely where my poems in my book, growing ivy came from.
What is Growing Ivy?
Growing ivy is my third book I have authored/created. (Check out my book for IBD here, and my goal-setting healing journal, here).
While I have never considered myself anything close to a poet, I felt this pull to put my experiences into verses in the summer of 2020. There is only so much you can explain in conversational speech, and the poems contained in growing ivy are a deeper, more personal look at what I have felt over the years. The ups, downs, revelations, messages, and more.
Growing ivy is divided into three chapters: Overcoming, Healing, and Loving. Overcoming is all about the struggle and darker times living with Crohn’s disease. Healing, is when I started to see I could take some control over my illness and use it to my advantage. Loving, is when I started to love myself and open up to invite others into my life.
From my experience, the book flows in a hierarchy of needs sort-of-way. I went through pain, resentment, and anger before I could move on to healing. I had to heal my body, soul, and mindset before I could open up to love.

Who is Growing Ivy for?
Since at least 2/3 of growing ivy is about my diagnosis and healing journey, it is super-targeted for others that have gone through a IBD or any other life-changing health scenario.
That being said, lots of people who do not have a remarkable health history have been enjoying growing ivy. That is because the feelings I share can be applied to any hardship, growth, and love experience, not just Crohn’s disease.
The themes can certainly be applied to many walks of life, in particular getting through challenging times, growing and expanding your sense of self, and navigating love, as we all do.

How To Get Your Hands on Growing Ivy
Growing ivy is available on Amazon in black and white or color and on Amazon Kindle. You can also purchase an ebook version right here on my website.
Let me know what you think!
If you decide to purchase and read growing ivy, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart! I feel like my heart and soul is revealed through this book, and for you to take the time and money to read it is the most special sentiment. If you liked it, I would be so grateful if you left a review on Amazon!