About Alexa Federico

Crohn's blogger | Nutritionist

Hello! My name is Alexa Federico.

I became a certified NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner), AIP Coach, an author, and the owner of my business all because I have a heath story of my own that started when I was 12 years old.

Being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease was the worst, then the hardest, then sort of-almost-amazing thing that ever happened to me. My whole life’s purpose and career shifted because of this, and that’s why I am here today.

So, what do I do?

I work with people who need help learning how to utilize food and every day choices to support of their health and not against it.

If you guessed that I love helping people with their digestive problems, you would be correct! The majority of my clients have Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS or generally don’t feel well and want change. They need help learning how nutrition and lifestyle plays a role in all of this.

Gut health | Crohn's

Does this sound like you?

People struggling with digestive conditions hire me to help them change the way they eat and learn how foods play a role in healing and in disease.

As a holistic nutritionist, I do this by helping them transition a nutrient dense, whole foods diet so they can spend less time dealing with stomach pain, fatigue, and the other symptoms that are impacting their every day activities.

As a certified AIP coach, sometimes we work through the Autoimmune Paleo elimination diet together. Not always. Do you like to jump right into change or take small steps? There is no right way to approaching the nutrition and lifestyle adjustments my clients make. Every client is unique and we make decisions together.

Find out more about my online nutritional therapy services hereย or schedule a free 30 minute call so you can tell me about your biggest health challenges and learn how I can help you through them.

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